

From Runway to Real Life: Spring 2018 Fashion Trends

From runway to real life Spring fashion 2018 metallics

Spring is almost here! This is one of my favourite seasons purely due to the exciting warm weather spring fashions starting to peek through. It is a glimpse into summer and the first look into colours, fabrics and style cuts for the next few months. I’ve done my research, seen the runway looks and read all the latest fashion blogs. So, I decided to create my own interpretation of the style with affordable pieces! See my top picks for big trends for Australian...

New Year’s fashion resolutions

With our increasingly busy lifestyles sometimes it’s easy to fall into a fashion rut by always sticking to what we know, rather than taking risks. This year, try for at least one New Year’s fashion resolution and promise yourself to take a risk and try something new. Many great trends are forecasted for 2015 (read about them here) so why not try and master one and have an incredible year of fashion! New Year’s resolution 1: Wear more hats. Hat’s...